Tuesday 18 June 2013

Maths Investigation: How Our Families Use Maths Everyday.

This week we had to find out how the adults at home use maths in their everyday lives.  This was to show us that maths isn't just a subject at school but a part of our everyday lives.

Sylvia's Dad dyes carpet and he has to be very careful about measuring how much dye to use and calculating whether to add more dye or less depending on the shade of colour you want.
Sylvia also discovered her parents use maths to work out:  if they have enough money in their bank before they buy something (subtraction),  how much money to hand over to buy something and how much change you should get back (addition and subtraction),

Kellie's parents use maths when baking, using a tape measure and the distance and time it takes to get somewhere (measuring) and also when shopping (adding and subtracting, multiplying and dividing).

Lashana's, Courtney's and Kassia's Mums use maths when baking, cooking,  using the oven/microwave, filling the jug, making dinner, telling time (measuring), on the computer and money (adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing) . 

Kassia's Dad is a truck driver and Kassia discovered his whole job is about maths! He measures freight to see how much it will cost to transport it as well as how much it will weigh the truck down. He works out how much petrol he needs to get from one place to another so he doesn't run out. (measuring)  He uses addition, subtraction, multiplication and division for paying wages to his staff, paying bills and using the computer.  He also has to work out the right amount of road users charges so he can drive on the road without getting tickets from the police.

Cameron's Dad uses geometry to calculate the radius from a known diametre of product, addition to work out the difference between a full roll and what's left of a roll of product, division to see how much product can be made out of a roll, multiplication to work out how much product you need to cover hours in a day and days in a week.  He also uses lots of measurement.

Isn't it amazing how our everyday lives are full of maths.  A very special thanks to the fantastic parents who took the time to talk about maths in their world.

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